Two reasons slash excuses...

I know, I know I changed up my blog style and name and then...CRICKETS!  This time I do have a good reason; two good reasons actually. 
Well, three if you count my three year old that is 3 going on sassy 17...that also keeps me busy. 
At any rate...
#1. We are in the process of renovating our entire living/kitchen area. That means, tearing down cabinets, pulling up gross in complete disaster for about the next two months. We are in the early stages of this but have been busy planning and picking out what we want our new space to look like. Stay tuned...hopefully I can get my act together enough to share this process with you!!!
For now, here is my hard working dad "helping" me rip out some cabinets...and by helping 
i mean he actually did most of the work and all I could do was continue to annoyingly say "this seems so much easier on HGTV!!" 
**side note, the husband was working on this day or else he would have totally legit been helping my dad**

#2 reason I have been new business venture of starting a freelance makeup artistry company!!!!   Holy crap you guys, I am so excited about this. It has been such a dream of mine for so long and i feel like I can finally declare, "I am a makeup artist" when people ask me what I do for work.  I will write a full post all about this later this week as well, but for now you can go check out my website and spread the word.  I do makeup for weddings (bride, mothers, bridesmaids, friends) for special events (photo shoots, a special night out, proms, etc) and I also do personal lessons to teach and explain to you all you wonder about when it comes to doing your own makeup.  Check it all out HERE!!!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!!!